Are UV Light Air Purifiers Effective for Air Purification?

With the use of germicidal UV-C light in air purifiers, it not only traps mold spores, but it effectively destroys them, preventing spores from forming new mold. UV light is an effective way to combat air contaminants, such as mold spores, but if the mold has already taken hold, it will need to be cleaned directly. A UV air purifier uses UV light waves to attack or “inactivate” germs in the air. Both pathogens and UV light are invisible to the human eye.

The impact of air purification on health and the efficiency of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems is significant. In a nutshell, UV light basically bombards the microorganisms around the UV lamp inside the filter and damages the DNA they need to live. When air passes through an air purifier with UV light, shortwave UV light waves inactivate contaminants. Germicidal ultraviolet light was initially used in the treatment of tuberculosis and to disinfect hospitals, kitchens, laboratories and meat processing plants. Air Oasis UV air purifiers use germicidal UV rays to disinfect air and surfaces, and are not hazardous to health.

Most UV light purifiers contain HEPA filters which can eliminate 99.9% of viruses from the air. UV air purifiers harness the power of UV-C light to inactivate viruses and bacteria found in the air, altering or damaging their DNA. These home air purifiers appeared after UV light was discovered to help prevent the spread of hospital-acquired infections during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a valuable method of air purification, the most optimal use of UV light is through a multi-stage air purification process. However, there are some drawbacks to using UV light purifiers.

They will lose their effectiveness quickly or need to be cleaned regularly. In addition, adding UV light to a purifier will not only make it more expensive, but it will also increase electricity bills. Visible light has wavelengths of 400 to 700 nanometers, while ultraviolet light has wavelengths of less than 400 nanometers. So can air purifiers with UV light really protect you against COVID-19 and other airborne viruses? The answer is yes - when used as part of a multi-stage filtration system that includes HEPA filters, they can help reduce your risk of exposure to airborne viruses and other contaminants. As an expert in SEO optimization, I can confidently say that using an air purifier with UV-C light is an effective way to combat airborne contaminants such as mold spores and viruses like COVID-19. By combining a multi-stage filtration system with a HEPA filter and a UV-C light purifier, you can reduce your risk of exposure to airborne viruses and other contaminants. However, it is important to note that these systems can be expensive and require regular maintenance in order to remain effective.

For more information on how you can benefit from using an air purifier with UV-C light, contact Shipley Energy today.